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1872 Earthquake studies Washington Public Power Supply Sistem : Nuclear Project Nosl 1 and 4 / Jeff McCleary, John Dohrenwend, Lloyd Cluff

By: McCleary, Jeff.
Contributor(s): United Engineers and constructors, INC.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: San Francisco, California : 1978Description: X, 75 hojas : ilustraciones, gráficas; 21.6 cm x 28 cm.Subject(s): Geología | Estudios de suelos | Investigacion
Description of study area -- Description of the straight creek zone -- Recency of surface displacement -- Origin of antislope scarps
Summary: The Washington Public Power Supply System requested that Woodward-Clyde consultants conduct a preliminary capability study of the straight creek fault zone. The straight creek fault zone has been previosly recognized as a structural feature that was continous with the fraser river fault system during mesozoic and early Cenozoic time. The late Cenozoic history of the straight creek fault zone is the subjetc of recent studies and considerable difference of opinion.
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Description of study area -- Description of the straight creek zone -- Recency of surface displacement -- Origin of antislope scarps

The Washington Public Power Supply System requested that Woodward-Clyde consultants conduct a preliminary capability study of the straight creek fault zone. The straight creek fault zone has been previosly recognized as a structural feature that was continous with the fraser river fault system during mesozoic and early Cenozoic time.

The late Cenozoic history of the straight creek fault zone is the subjetc of recent studies and considerable difference of opinion.

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