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Initial seismic hazard study : Rio Porce Project Colombia / Fernando Palaez

By: Palaez, Fernando.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Colombia : 1983Description: ii, 36 hojas : ilustraciones, gráficas; 21.6 cm x 28 cm.Subject(s): Geología | Ríos | Estudios de suelos
Tectonic Setting -- Significant faults -- Earthquakes
Summary: In 1982, Empresas Publicas de Medellín contracted the Colombian firm, ASCON, Ltda., of Medellín, to conduct pre-fea-sibility and feasibility studies for the Río porce Hydroelectric project. For this, the pre-feasibility stage, ASCON is considering five potential dam sites on the rio Porce
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Informes técnicos Informes técnicos SGC - Medellin
Informes técnicos I-5171 (Browse shelf) Available 080883

Tectonic Setting -- Significant faults -- Earthquakes

In 1982, Empresas Publicas de Medellín contracted the Colombian firm, ASCON, Ltda., of Medellín, to conduct pre-fea-sibility and feasibility studies for the Río porce Hydroelectric project. For this, the pre-feasibility stage, ASCON is considering five potential dam sites on the rio Porce

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