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Base metal project in the central and western cordilleras / Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

By: Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).
Contributor(s): Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geológico Mineras (INGEOMINAS).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Nueva York : Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geológico Mineras (INGEOMINAS), 1976Description: 259 páginas : ilustraciones, 3 anexos, 31 mapas, 3 tablas, 9 figuras; 21.6 cm x 28 cm.+, 3 anexos, 31 mapas, 3 tablas, 9 figuras.Subject(s): Geología | Metales | Mineralización | Cobre | Yacimientos minerales | Cordillera Central -- Colombia | Cordillera occidental -- ColombiaOnline resources: Ver recurso en línea
Preface - Summary -- Introduction -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Geological Framework -- Geochemical Recognition -- Detailed studies -- Bibliography.
Summary: The main objective was the exploration of an area of ​​90,000 km2 in southern Colombia, emphasizing the possibilities of finding porphyry copper mineralization. The report sets out the procedures and results of the sampling of active river sediments, as well as the interpretation methods. The detailed sampling of sediments, soils and rocks of the various drains in which anomalies of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni or Mo have been found is described. During the survey phase, geological observations were made to aid in the interpretation of the results. geochemicals. The regional geochemical distribution of metallic elements is explained in addition to regional geology. As far as possible, some promising areas were subjected to geophysical studies and drilling. 91 drains with anomalous values ​​in metals were found; Only in 15 of these were more detailed studies carried out, finding in two of them indications of porphyry copper type mineralization (mucus and Chili river). Due to the completion of the project further investigations were suspended. It has been proposed to expand exploration on the two copper porphyry prospects. In addition, recommendations have been made on 9 anomalous areas of second priority and 34 of third. Regional geochemical survey is recommended in two areas within the project area where studies have not yet been conducted at any level.
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Preface - Summary -- Introduction -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Geological Framework -- Geochemical Recognition -- Detailed studies -- Bibliography.

The main objective was the exploration of an area of ​​90,000 km2 in southern Colombia, emphasizing the possibilities of finding porphyry copper mineralization. The report sets out the procedures and results of the sampling of active river sediments, as well as the interpretation methods. The detailed sampling of sediments, soils and rocks of the various drains in which anomalies of Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni or Mo have been found is described. During the survey phase, geological observations were made to aid in the interpretation of the results. geochemicals. The regional geochemical distribution of metallic elements is explained in addition to regional geology. As far as possible, some promising areas were subjected to geophysical studies and drilling. 91 drains with anomalous values ​​in metals were found; Only in 15 of these were more detailed studies carried out, finding in two of them indications of porphyry copper type mineralization (mucus and Chili river). Due to the completion of the project further investigations were suspended. It has been proposed to expand exploration on the two copper porphyry prospects. In addition, recommendations have been made on 9 anomalous areas of second priority and 34 of third. Regional geochemical survey is recommended in two areas within the project area where studies have not yet been conducted at any level.

Editado además en español como el informe 1723.01 de Ingeominas. Proyecto Ingeominas- Naciones Unidas

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